Reconnaître tous les contributeurs d’une publication

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Allen L., O’Connell A., Kiermer V. 2019. How can we ensure visibility and diversity in research contributions? How the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) is helping the shift from authorship to contributorship. Learned Publishing 32 (1): 71-74.

Craig C., Hosseini M., McGonagle-O'Connell A. 2019. Making research contributions more transparent: report of a FORCE [2018] workshop. F1000 blog.

Gadd E. 2020. CRediT Check – Should we welcome tools to differentiate the contributions made to academic papers? LSE Impact Blog.

Holcombe A. 2019. Farewell authors, hello contributors: More disciplines must embrace a system of academic credit that rewards a greater range of roles more specifically. Nature 571: 147.

McNutt M. K., Bradford M., Drazen J. M., Hanson B., Howard B., Hall Jamieson K., Kiermer V., Marcus E., Kline Pope B., Schekman R., Swaminathan S., Stang P. J., Verma I. M., 2018. Transparency in authors’ contributions and responsibilities to promote integrity in scientific publication. PNAS 115 (11): 2557-2560.

ORCID, 2021. Donner CRediT là où CRedit est dû.