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Liens utiles

Bibliothèque nationale de France [BNF]. 2017. S'informer et obtenir un ISBN.

Bibliothèque nationale de France [BNF]. 2017. Dépôt légal.

Cahier M. L., Sutton E. 2016. Publier son livre à l'ère numérique : autoédition, maisons d'édition, solutions hybrides. Paris, France : Eyrolles. 174 p.

DOAJ. Directory of Open Access Journals, 2018. Copyright & Licensing help. https://doaj.org/support/

European Commission. 2017. European Research Council (ERC): Guidelines on Implementation of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in projects supported by the European Research Council under Horizon 2020. Version 1.1 (27 April 2017).

Eve M. P., Inglis K., Prosser D., Speicher L., Stone G. 2017. Cost estimates of an open access mandate for monographs in the UK’s third Research Excellence Framework, Insights, 30(3), p. 89–102. https://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.392