Les indicateurs Eigenfactor et Article Influence

4 - Quelques références et sites web cités

Eigenfactor.org: Ranking and Mapping Scientific Knowledge. [2013/01/14].

( http://www.eigenfactor.org/ ).

Eigenfactor Score and Article Influence Score: Detailed methods. [2013/01/14].


Franceshet, M , 2010. Ten good reasons to use the Eigenfactor metrics. Information Processing and Management, n°46, n°5, p. 555-558. [2013/01/14].

( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2010.01.001 ).

Franceshet, M , 2010. Journal influence factors. Journal of Informetrics, vol. 4, n°3, p.239-248. [2013/01/14].

( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2009.12.002 ).

Thomson Reuters. Journal Citation Reports